“Aspetti della gestione dei rifiuti emersi dal progetto euro-mediterraneo WADI” [Some aspects of waste management: Lessons learnt from the euro-mediterranean WADI project]. Final meeting of the ASM project within the Grundtvig-Reso european program (life-long learning).
Ρolychaete fauna associated with the coral Cladocora caespitosa (L.) in the Εastern Μediterranean. Μémoires du Μuséum Nationale d’Ηistoire Naturelle. 162:347-353. Abstract
Μacrofauna associated with sponge species of different morphology. Pubblicazioni della Stazione Zoologica di Napoli. 17:569-582.
Whole genome duplication: Challenges and considerations associated with sequence orthology assignment in Salmoninae. JOURNAL OF FISH BIOLOGY. 79:561-574.
Web-based data integration and text mining to accelerate molecular biology research. Spanish National Cancer Research Center, Madrid, Spain.
Web-based data integration and text mining techniques to accelerate biomedical research (PhD). Structural and Computational Biology, EMBL.
The way to the nest. Information fromthe tracks of hawksbill turtles (Eretmochelys imbricata) at El Cuyo beach, Yucatàn . XXXII Annual Symposium on Sea Turtles Biology and Conservation.
W chromosome expression responds to female-specific selection. THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES, USA . 109:8207-8211.
Visualisation Mechanisms supporting Genotype Analysis (MRes). Dept of Computing Science, University of Glasgow, UK.
Vertical distribution of chloroplastic pigments and nutrients along a transect in the Cretan sea: Ecological implications. 4th Pan-Hellenic Symposium Oceanography and Fisheries. :77-80.
Variazioni comportamentali della stessa specie in ambienti caratterizzati da differenti salinità: confronto tra popolazioni di Talitrus saltator del Mediterraneo e del Baltico. XX SItE, National Conference Italian Society of Ecology.
Variazione di artropodofauna litorale in tre settori adiacenti della costa ionica reggina. Department of Evolutionary Biology. :80.
Variation in Talitrus saltator strategies as response to environmental changes. International MEDCORE final meeting.
Variable orientation within a natural population of sandhopper Talitrus saltator (Crustacea:Amphipoda) as response to a variable environment. The case-study of Berkoukesh beach, Tunisia. Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science. 77:163-168. Abstract
Uso dell'orientamento di anfipodi litorali come indicatore ecologico per spiagge mediterranee ed atlantiche. Department of Evolutionary Biology. :62.
Using morphological characters to estimate geographic variation in the Mediterranean bath sponge Spongia officinalis and assess the taxonomic validity of its associated morphotypes. International Congress on the Zoogeography, Ecology and Evolution of Southeastern Europe and the Eastern Mediterranean. :26. Abstract
Use and limitations of ecological models. Transitional Waters Bulletin.