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WP 2: Recruitment of incoming researchers



  • To open new research positions for incoming experienced scientists with specific expertise, necessary for the realisation of the full potential of the institute, in the areas of genomics, bioinformatics, biodiversity informatics and marine biodiversity.


Description of work

In the beginning of the project (month 1) 4 research fellow positions, 36 months each, for incoming researchers will be announced, following the procedures dictated by the Greek law.
A panel of experts established by HCMR/IMBG will evaluate all eligible applications. All reasonable measures will be taken to insure objectivity, fairness, quality and confidentiality. The evaluating process will be open, fair and transparent providing at the same time full assistance and constructive feedback to all applicants. Candidate researchers must be experienced PhD-degree holders, with a strong research and publication record. The positions will be based at the HCMR/IMBG research premises at Gournes, Heraklion, Crete. Hired stuff is expected to maintain internal vigorous research programs in their topics, and possibly teach graduate courses, and mentor M.Sc. and Ph.D. students. Furthermore, successful candidates should be additionally encouraged to coordinate in collaboration with their colleagues at HCMR and elsewhere and apply for externally funded research projects thus stabilizing their research presence at IMBG.




Task 2.1: Research position for genomic approaches in organismal and population biology.

The position should involve a strong background in bioinformatics and an interest to apply evolutionaryapproaches to genomics and population data of eukaryotes. The working program of the candidate will involve further establishment of a server/parallel computing facility, optimization of tools and setup of pipelines for genome assembly, annotation, phylogenomics analysis and population Genetics. Weight will be given to pipelines for analysis of new generation sequencing data, such as 454 FLX that are produced at IMBG. The candidate is also expected to participate actively in the definition and development of new creative research directions and in writing proposals, as well as in training in bioinformatics for MSc and PhD students. The impact of such a researcher in biodiversity genomics and informatics arriving at a multifaceted research activity of IMBG, will certainly help raising IMBG as the main marine biodiversity centre of excellence in Eastern Mediterranean. This will be achieved by strengthening the capacity in bioinformatics, which is one of the pillars of modern genomics and biological research in biodiversity.

Task 2.2. Research position for genomics and metagenomics in marine prokaryotic microorganisms
The position should involve a strong background in bioinformatics of microbial genomes, with an interest to develop research in microbial genomics and metagenomics. The candidate will participate in the development of the Bioinformatics platform for parallel computing, in order to set up and optimize use for analysis of bacterial diversity by means of genomics and metagenomics approaches. Together with the candidate for eukaryotic genomics he will participate in optimization of pipelines for analysis
of new generation sequencing data. The candidate will be involved in analysis and in research design of 454 sequencing of bacterial genomes and metagenomes, since IMBG has been accepted as a national sequencing platform within the Society for bacterial ecology “Mikrobiokosmos”. The candidate is also expected to have a very active role in writing proposals such as the forthcoming FP7 call. The impact of the candidate for IMBG excellence will be strong, since bacteria have been proven as the regulators of ecosystems function and maintenance and the major means for sound biotechnological development for energy production, bioremediation and pharmaceutical products development. The only ways to access environmental microbiology is by means of genomics and metagenomics, whose most difficult part is the one of data analysis. Therefore the candidate is expected to add a very strong component in marine  microbial genomics.

Task 2.3: Research position for biodiversity informatics

The position should centre on innovative tools and services for the sustainable management of the natural wealth. Experienced scientists should have a proven background in biodiversity studies and excellent skills in information technologies and programming. The successful applicant will undertake the upgrade of existing and the development of novel web applications, through a web portal, which will facilitate the formatting, analysis and dissemination of biodiversity information.

Task 2.4. Research position for biodiversity and functioning of benthic ecosystems

Candidates should have a long track experience in processes shaping benthic communities and their importance in distinguishing between naturally perturbed from anthropogenically stressed systems. Applicants must prove their skills to develop novel approaches for the study of the topic. Successful applicants should be able to compare information patterns deriving from multiple levels of the biological organization (from genes to communities) and scales of observation (spatial, temporal, functional) and link the resulting trends to the environmental variables.


The person-month rate for the incoming experienced reserchers has been set to 4.500 € / month, as compared to the average rate of 3100 € / month considered in this project for the IMBG already existing personnel. This happened in order to be able to attract high-level experienced personnel under the unfavourable financial conditions presently prevailing in Greece.




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