Name | Expertise /Research Interests | Contact | |
Eleni Dafnomili Technician |
Nutrients analysis (NH4,PO4,NO3,NO2,SiO2) Organic carbon and Nitrogen analysis (elemental analyser CHN) in sea water and sediment Chlorophyll and phaeopigments in sea water and sediment |
+30 2810 337841 |
Stelios Darivianakis Technician |
+30 2810 337825 |
Apostolos Krystallas Technician |
Marine pollution monitoring Physicochemical parameters analysis of seawater, drinking water and wastewater Sediment analysis Microbiological analysis in seawater, drinking water and wastewater Application of a wide range of field sampling gears e.g. sediment samplers, plankton nets, water samplers |
+30 2810 337843 |
Jacques Lagnel Technician |
+30 2810 337719 |
Livadara Moshoula Technician |
Microbiologist Microbiology water-food Medical microbiology |
+30 2810 337751; 337736 |
Maria Maidanou Technician |
Marine Biodiversity (polychaetes, molluscs, crustaceans), Structure and dynamics of macro benthic assemblages, Coastal zone management, Marine pollution monitoring, Environmental impact assessment, Marine protected zones, Effects of aquaculture in the marine environment, Microbiological quality assessment in potable, fresh and marine waters (e.g. total and fecal coliforms, E. coli). |
+30 2810 337842 |
Dimitra Mavraki Technician |
environmental management, environmental indicators, environmental and European policy, biological data management, renewable energy issues, energy efficiency |
00302810337740 |
Nikolopoulou Stamatina Technician |
GIS | | |
Katerina Oikonomaki Technician |
Nikolas Pattakos Technician |
Unix, software, applied mathematics |
2810337709 |
Wanda Plaiti Technician |
marine biodiversity, taxonomy (crustacea, echinodermata, algae), benthic ecology, macro- and mega-bentic community structure, ecological aspect of parasitology, estimation of energy content (ATP, bomb calorimeter), scientific diving, underwarter photograpyy |
+30 2810 337742 |
Vasso Terzoglou Technician |
+30 2810 337838 |
Snezana Zivanovic Technician |
Laboratory analysis of nutrients, pigments, organic carbon and nitrogen in sea water and sediment. |
+30 2810 337841 |