Objectives |
- Evaluate the overall quality and potential of the Institute
- Attain a certified excellence status
Description of work |
This WP provides the strategy developed for the evaluation of the institute by a team of international
independent experts, after the end of its scientific and technological activities planned in the context of this project. It starts at the end of the implementation of the project (month 36) and continues for six months (month 42).
The main goal of this WP is the evaluation of the institute’s overall research quality and achieved excellence through the project, The Evaluation Committee (EvC) will consist of 4 experts appointed by the Commission at the month 19. The project PMB will interact actively with experts of the EvC, who will visit the institute three times the institute.
- The first time will be at the 2nd annual meeting (month 25).
- The second will take place during the 3rd year of the project, to allow experts to visit IMBG and its researchers, to fine-tune the informati on theyreceived previously.
- The last visit will take place at the very end of the project (between months 40-42) in order to finalise the ex-post evaluation report. On this occasion a round table will be organised allowing to the Co and experts to give a presentation of their results and to discuss them together with the members of the PMB and thSB. In this table the members of the BEA will also be also invited.
A contract with each expert will be signed by HCMR.
The evaluation report is due to 6 months after the end of the implementation of the Action Plan (month 42). It will be submitted by EvC to the project Co and discussed with him and the involved Committees (PMB, BEA). A copy of the report will be sent to the Commission.