Contribution des sequences mitochondriales a l'eclatement phylogenetique du genre polyploide Barbus (Teleosteen Cyprinides). Implications biogeographiques. Journées Annuelles de la Société Française de Systématique (SFS) 'Systématique et biogéographie'. 20:49-56.
ENVIRONMENTS: identification of environment descriptive terms in text. The 15th Genomic Standards Consortium, Washington DC (U.S.A.).
"Next generation biodiversity": Combination of molecular and morphological approaches to estimate biodiversity in lagoonal sediments. 2nd DNA Metabarcoding Spring School, Crete (Greece).
Can micro-CT become an essential tool for the 21st century taxonomist? An evaluation using marine polychaetes Bruker Micro-CT User Meeting.
Doing science while having fun - Experiences from the marine citizen science project COMBER. Biodiversity Informatics Horizons 2013.
Micro-computed tomography: Transforming taxonomy into a cyberscience. Mediterranean Marine Biodiversity in view of climatic change and the invasion of alien species.
Amphipod fauna community in three Mediterranean harbours – preliminary study. International Colloquium on Amphipoda.
Effects of stressful environmental factors in lagoonal ecosystems on marine microbial and invertebrate populations. ASSEMBLE Presentation, CCMAR - University of Algarve, Faro, Portugal.
Effects of stressful environmental factors in lagoonal ecosystems on marine microbial and invertebrate populations. ASSEMBLE Conference, Access to Marine Resources - Generating Knowledge for Science and Society, Olhao, Portugal.
Microtomography: New approaches to the study of marine biodiversity (in Greek). 10th Panhellenic Symposium of Oceanography and Fisheries.
Biodiversity pattern interrelations in ecosystem components: a synthesis from the databases compiled during the MarBEF NoE. BioDivMex Workshop, Marseilles, France.
Different species occurrence and similar behaviour of sandhoppers inhabiting patchy environments. Monitoring European Biodiversity.
Turtle tracks on sandy beaches: Straightness as a proxy of nesting site search on the supralittoral zone. RIN11 Orientation and Navigation: Birds Humans and Other Animals. .
Interdisciplinary mineralogical, microbiological and chemical studies of the active Santorini-Kolumbo shallow submarine arc-related hydrothermal vent field, Aegean Sea, Greece: preliminary results. William Smith Meeting 2011, Remote Sensing of Volcanoes & Volcanic Processes: integrating observation & modelling.
New field methodological approaches for the study of benthic boundary layer (BBL) biodiversity. World Conference on Marine Biodiversity. Abstract
Estimating intraspecific variation in Spongia officinalis with microsatellite DNA markers. Assemblée Générale ECIMAR AG4, Centre d’ Oceanologie de Marseille, Station Marine d’ Endoume, Marseille, France.
Talitrus saltator behavioural adaptation to different salinities: comparison between Mediterranean and Baltic shores . XIV Colloquium on Amphipoda.
Variazioni comportamentali della stessa specie in ambienti caratterizzati da differenti salinità: confronto tra popolazioni di Talitrus saltator del Mediterraneo e del Baltico. XX SItE, National Conference Italian Society of Ecology.
Metagenomic exploration of the newly discovered hydrothermal vent sites in the submarine Kolumbo volcano (Santorini, Greece): Preliminary results. 3rd National Mikrobiokosmos Conference.
Approccio locale all’educazione ambientale: lezioni da due esperienze in ambiente mediterraneo. National Conference Italian Society of Ecology.
Environmental policies in the Mediterranean. “Selected Environmental Issues in the Mediterranean Region”.
Exploring the deep sea microbial communities of the Eastern Mediterranean Sea. MicrobeGr-Workshop: Molecular approaches to unravel the hidden microbial work, University of Ioannina, Agrinio, Greece.