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EuroMarine Research Strategy Report

TitleEuroMarine Research Strategy Report
Publication TypeReport
Year of Publication2012
AuthorsBoyen, C, Heip C, Cury P, Baisnée P-F, Brownlee C, Tessmar-Raible K, Allen I, Arvanitidis C, Austen M, Bolhuis H, Bouget F-Y, Clark M, Coll-Montón M, Crise A, Dupont S, Garcon V, Grigorov I, Hummel H, Ianora A, Kooistra W, Mariani P, Möllmann C, Sköld HN, Not F, Olsen J, Pinto IS, Queguiner B, Reygondeau G, d’Alcala MR, Santos RS, Sluijs A, Soetaert K, Solidoro C, Thorndyke M, Tsigenopoulos CS, Viard F, Volckaert F, Węsławski JM
Series TitleEuroMarine Research Strategy Report - Deliverable 3.2. Seventh Framework Programme Project EuroMarine
Date Published11/2012
InstitutionEUROMARINE Project

EuroMarine is a Coordination and Support Action funded by the European Commission for two years (FP7, 2011-2013). Its aim is the integration of three major European marine FP6 Networks of Excellence (NoE) (Eur-oCEanS, MarBEF and Marine genomics Europe) into one durable organization EuroMarine+, bringing together leading European marine scientists and organizations to create a major internationally competitive network that will facilitate collaboration and promote interdisciplinary approaches in the marine sciences. EuroMarine’s main responsibilities therefore lie, firstly, in the definition of the vision, the specific role and the organizational and operational modes of EuroMarine+, and secondly, in a timely launch of EuroMarine+.
One key objective of EuroMarine is, founded on the achievements, conclusions and prospective from each of the three NoEs, to develop a common vision on research priorities and a common research strategy based on a shared vision for the oceans, regional seas and coasts of tomorrow, in order to create a strong marine R&D leadership for Europe based on scientific excellence.;
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