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Impact of fish farming in a shallow enclosed bay of western Greece (Astakos)

TitleImpact of fish farming in a shallow enclosed bay of western Greece (Astakos)
Publication TypeConference Proceedings
Year of Publication2009
AuthorsSigala, K, Papageorgiou N, Karakassis I
Conference Name9th National Symposium on Oceanography and Fisheries
Conference LocationPatras
Type of WorkConference Paper
Keywordsbenthos, geochemical variables, ionian sea, Macrofauna

The impact of cage culture of marine fish on the benthic environment was investigated at a commercial fish farm in Astakos Gulf (Aetoloakarnania, Greece). A transect of stations in the vicinity of the cages and a control station were sampled for macrofauna and geochemical variables, during July. Redox potential in the sediment reached negative values under and near the cages. Sulfide content in the sediment increased under the cages. Almost azoic zones were encountered under the cages and up to 5m from the cages, while abundance and diversity increased with the distance from the cages. The macrofaunal community was affected up to 25m from the edge of the cages.