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The relationship between chromosome rearrangements and repetitive DNA clusters in Chironomus riparius Meigen (Diptera: Chironomidae) from anthropogenically polluted Palaearctic regions

TitleThe relationship between chromosome rearrangements and repetitive DNA clusters in Chironomus riparius Meigen (Diptera: Chironomidae) from anthropogenically polluted Palaearctic regions
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2007
AuthorsMichailova, P, Ilkova J, Petrova N, Selvaggi A, Zampicinini G, Sella G
JournalComparative Cytogenetics
Keywordsaberration breakpoints, Chironomus riparius, polluted sediments, polytene chromosomes, repetitive DNA clusters

We compared chromosomal localization of aberration breakpoints and
repetitive DNA clusters (Alu, Hinf repeats and NLRCth1 retro-element copies) in
polytene chromosomes among several Palaearctic population samples of Chironomus
Mg. from sites polluted with heavy metals. Both breakpoints and repetitive
DNA clusters were significantly more frequent in proximal than in distal chromosomal
regions, and they were found to be significantly associated.

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