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Task 6.1: Managerial structure.

General Task 
in progress 
Start date 
End date 



The project has a simple and effective managerial structure (Fig. 2). The basic elements of this structure are the Coordinator (Co), the Work Package Leaders (WPLs), the Project Management Board (PMB), the Board of External Advisors (BEA), and the Steering Board (SB). The Co, Dr. Antonios Magoulas, Dept. Director of IMBG, is responsible for the information exchange between the Commission authorities and the project, represents it to regional, national, European or international organisations, initiatives and fora. He chairs the annual and PMB meetings and he invites the BEA members to these meetings The PMB, formed by the Co and the WPLs, is the decision making body of the project. The PMB appoints the managers of the tasks, reviews the work done, the deliverables and milestones, and makes amendments to the work flow if necessary. The WPLs are responsible for the smooth running of their WPs and the timely submission of the deliverables. The task managers shoulder responsibility on the effective running of their tasks and on the good quality of the deliverables. BEA is an additional body which is formed by 4 representatives of partnering organisations, (PML, BOO, MPI, NHM).

It aims at providing advice on all aspects of the execution of the project in order to ensure:

  • (a) effective implementation of the project's activities so that as many possible stakeholders and users will benefit from the project's deliverables
  • (b) high quality of deliverables
  • (c) that the deliverables and the information produced by the project will be compatible with and available to the major European and international projects and initiatives. 

The selection of the BEA members will be done by PMB by month 3 of the project. The BEA submits a report on the activities of the project, annually, which is consolidated to the project’s progress report. The SB is composed by the Co, the WPL’s, regional representatives from Crete, representative
of GSRT, and representatives of the most relevant stakeholders, notably SME’s.



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