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Workpackage descriptions

OrganizationTitleStatussort iconPriority
developmentInstitute of Marine Biology and GeneticsWP 3: Co-operation and personnel exchange with excellent European research entitiesinserted 
developmentInstitute of Marine Biology and GeneticsWP 4: Organization of workshops and conferencesinserted 
developmentInstitute of Marine Biology and GeneticsWP 6: Managementinserted1-low 
developmentInstitute of Marine Biology and GeneticsWP 5: Dissemination and Promotioninserted 
developmentInstitute of Marine Biology and GeneticsWP 7: Evaluation facilityinserted1-low 
developmentInstitute of Marine Biology and GeneticsWP 2: Recruitment of incoming researchersin progress3-high 
developmentInstitute of Marine Biology and GeneticsWP 1: Acquisition of equipmentin progress3-high