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Organizationsort iconProjectTitleCategoryStatusPriority
Institute of Marine Biology and GeneticsWP 3: Co-operation and personnel exchange with excellent European research entitiesVisit of a scientist of the University of Athens to IMBGeventinserted 
Institute of Marine Biology and GeneticsWP 5: Dissemination and PromotionDeliverable 5.5: Final Plan for using and dissemination of foregrounddeliverableinserted 
Institute of Marine Biology and GeneticsWP 3: Co-operation and personnel exchange with excellent European research entitiesVisit of a scientist of the University of Ioannina to IMBGeventinserted 
Institute of Marine Biology and GeneticsWP 6: ManagementDeliverable 6.1: Progress Report, including BEA’s contributions and minutesdeliverableinserted 
Institute of Marine Biology and GeneticsWP 1: Acquisition of equipmentDeliverable 1.2: Final report on purchase, instalment and use of research equipmentdeliverableinserted 
Institute of Marine Biology and GeneticsWP 6: ManagementDeliverable 6.3: Progress Report, including BEA’s contributions and minutesdeliverableinserted 
Institute of Marine Biology and GeneticsWP 3: Co-operation and personnel exchange with excellent European research entitiesDeliverable 3.1: 1st year report on the co-operation and personnel exchange with excellent European and Greek researcentitiesdeliverableinserted 
Institute of Marine Biology and GeneticsWP 3: Co-operation and personnel exchange with excellent European research entitiesDeliverable 3.3: Final report on the co-operation and personnel exchange with excellent European and Greek research entitiesdeliverableinserted 
Institute of Marine Biology and GeneticsWP 5: Dissemination and PromotionTask 5.3: Linking IMBG activities with related programmes or initiativesnetworkinginserted 
Institute of Marine Biology and GeneticsWP 1: Acquisition of equipmentTask 1.4 Purchase of four experimental aquaria (large scale bioreactors)general taskin progress