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Project Involvements

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Titlesort icon Coordinating Institute Begin of project (Year) End of project (Year) Funding Source Responsibilities
AQUAGRIS Università del Salento, Italy 2008 2009 EU-FP6
Biological Indicators of Degradation in Mediterranean Type Vegetation University of Crete, Biology Department 2000 2001 GSRT
ECASA SAMS, Oban, UK 2005 2009 EU-FP7 sampling in different aquaculture sites, data analysis, macrofaunal identifications
HELBIONET Institute of Marine Biology and Genetics 2010 2011 General Secretariat for Research and Technology, Ministry of Development
IBIS University of Crete, Biology Department 2005 2009 GSRT Scientific information, Financial and scientific reporting, sampling in different aquaculture sites, data analysis, macrofaunal identifications
MarBEF NIOO-CEME 2004 2008 EU FP6
MED-CORE University of Firenze 2002 2004 EU FP5 (INCO-Med) macrofaunal and envioronmental parameters sampling in Italian, and Tunisian sites, data analysis
MED-POL 2002 2004 GSRT
Prevent Escape SINTEF Fisheries and Aquaculture, Norway 2009 2012 EU-FP7 Scientific information for WP 2, Financial reporting, meeting information
Protection of Threatened Endemic Types in the Southern and Eastern Mediterranean University of Crete, Biology Department 2000 2001 GSRT
VECTORS Plymouth Marine Laboratory 2011 2015 EU FP7
ΤWReferenceNet University of Lecce, Italy EU (INTERREG, CADSES) macrofaunal sampling in laggonal sites