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Berrebi P, Chenuil A, Kotlík P, Machordom A, Tsigenopoulos CS. Disentangling the evolutionary history of the genus Barbus sensu lato, a twenty years adventure. In: Professor Carlos Almaça (1934-2010) - Estado da Arte em Áreas Científicas do Seu Interesse. Lisboa: Museu Nacional de História Natural e da Ciência; 2014. p. 29-55.
Berrebi P, Tsigenopoulos CS. Phylogenetic organization of the genus Barbus sensu stricto: A review based on data using molecular markers. In: Banarescu P, Bogutskaya NG, editors. The Freshwater Fishes of Europe, Vol. 5/II: Cyprinidae, Part II: Barbus. AULA-Verlag; 2003. p. 11-22. Abstract
Berrebi P, Tsigenopoulos CS. Contribution des sequences mitochondriales a l'eclatement phylogenetique du genre polyploide Barbus (Teleosteen Cyprinides). Implications biogeographiques. In: Journées Annuelles de la Société Française de Systématique (SFS) 'Systématique et biogéographie'. Vol 20. Paris, France: Biosystema; 2002. p. 49-56.