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Project Involvements

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Title Coordinating Institute Begin of project (Year) End of project (Year) Funding Sourcesort icon Responsibilities
ANalysis of multifunctiOnal genes and Their pAralogs in TEleost: Identification, Evolution and Annotation through Transcriptome scans and Functional studies IMBBC
XML TEchnologies for the discovery of Cancer Treatment (XTECT) University of Glasgow, University of Strathclyde 2003 2004 Carnegie Trust, Scotland, UK Research Assistand, Software and Database Developer
BioTextQuest: Development of an Ιntegrated Computer System for Text Mining Biomedical Databases University of Cyprus, University of Crete 2009 2011 Cyprus Research Promotion Foundation Literature Survey, Architecture Design, Software Design and Development, PhD student guidance
ViBRANT Natural History Museum (London) 2010 2013 EU FP7 Software development, Contribution in the pilot project for citizen science
Euromarine: From Genes To Ecosystems University of Gothenburg (SE) (Mike Thorndyke) 2011 2013 EU FP7
MicroB3 Jacobs University Bremen 2012 EU FP7