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Project Involvements

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Title Coordinating Institute Begin of project (Year) End of project (Year) Funding Sourcesort icon Responsibilities
ADIOS: Atmospheric Deposition and Impact of pollutants, key elements and nutrients on the Open Mediterranean Sea Centre de Formation et de Recherche sur l'Environnement Marin, Perpignan (France) 2001 2004
Saving wooden shipwrecks in the Mediterranean marine ecosystem: Research, development and application of innovative methods of in situ protection (MERMAID) Technological School of Athens 2012 2015
MAPMED University of Cagliary 2011 2014 ENPI CBCMED
ANREC 2003 2005 EU chemical analysis, bacterial production, DOC
CYCLOPS: CYCLing Of PhosphoruS in the Mediterranean 2000 2003 EU - DG XII, EVK3 chemical analysis on-board the R/V Aegaeo
BIODEEP BIOtechnologies from the DEEP CoNISMa Consorzio Nazionale Interuniversitario per le Scienze del Mare 2001 2004 EU - DG XII, EVK3 chemical and microbiological analysis
INTERPOL Impact of Natural and Trawling Events on Resuspension, dispersion and fate of POLlutants Hellenic Centre for Marine Research 2001 2004 EU - DG XII, EVK3 chemical and microbiological analysis
HERMES Hotspot Ecosystem Research on the Margins of European Sea National Oceanography Centre, Southampton, UK 2005 2009 EU FP6 chemical and microbiological analysis for the Eastern Mediterranean deep-sea basins, open slopes and canyons
MicroB3 Jacobs University Bremen 2012 EU FP7

Scientific Responsible

Title Coordinating Institute Begin of project (Year) End of project (Year) Funding Sourcesort icon Responsibilities
Metagenomic Analysis of Kolumbo Volcano (Aegaen Sea) Joint Genome Institute, Department of Energy, USA (Dr. Nikos Kyrpides) 2009 2011 Department of Energy, USA (Dr. Nikos Kyrpides) HCMR-IMBG Scientific Responsible: sampling, DNA extraction, data analysis
CAREX Coordination action for research activities on life in extreme environments (as associated partner) British Antarctic Survey, Cambridge, UK 2008 2010 EU FP7 (CA) HCMR Scientific Responsible (as associated partner)
ISOSOIL Contaminat Specific Isotope Analysis as sharp environmental-forensics tools for site characterization, monitoring and source apportionment of pollutants in soil Stockholm University 2009 2012 EU-FP7 Biodegradation Experiments and Microbial Community Characterization
HERMIONE Hotspot ecosystem research and man’s impact on European Seas (Scientific Responsible of HCMR-Genetics) National Oceanography Centre, Southampton, UK 2009 2012 EU-FP7 Scientific Responsible for HCMR-IMBG (HCMR Responsible: Dr. V. Lykousis), Molecular microbial ecology of the deep-sea sediments
SEABIOTECH From sea-bed to test-bed: harvesting the potential of marine microbes for industrial biotechnology University of Strathclyde 2012 2016 EU-FP7 WP2 leader