Curriculum Vitae
Submitted by lucia fanini on Mon, 2011-03-28 08:52
seminars in Biology for General Psychology, University of Florence
2008, 2009
seminars in Parasitology of Tourism for Medical Biology, University of Florence
2007, 2008
seminars on the use of water resources for the course of Aquatic Ecology, University of Florence
seminar on practical tool for ecology of sandy shores, MSc in Ecology, University of Calabria
Variazione di artropodofauna litorale in tre settori adiacenti della costa ionica reggina,
, Department of Evolutionary Biology, 02/2011, p.80, (2011)
Uso dell'orientamento di anfipodi litorali come indicatore ecologico per spiagge mediterranee ed atlantiche,
, Department of Evolutionary Biology, 04/2009, p.62, (2009)
Caretta caretta lungo la costa ionica reggina: analisi dei parametri ecologici del litorale in relazione al pattern distributivo dei nidi,
, Department of Evolutionary Biology, 07/2009, p.95, (2009)
Didactic activities for the secondary school: hands-on experiences of scientific research (from hypothesis to discussion of results) applied to animal orientation and navigation
Protocol establishment of a didactic activity on endemic herpetofauna and the role of people in shaping ecosystems for Moroccan schoolchildren and teachers. The protocol and the results obtained represent a delivery to the EU for the WADI project
Protocol establishment of a didactic activity on sandy beach ecology for Tunisian schoolchildren and teachers. The protocol and the results obtained were published on the Technology Marketplace of the European Union, R&D information service (Result RCN: 43544)
seminar "Role of women in water use, the case of wadi Laou valley (Morocco)" at the Department of Statistics, University of Florence
organisation of workshop and open experiment on alien species "How to conquer a new environment: key questions to animal behaviour" in collaboration with Dr. Kasapidis, Dr. Cini, Dr. Mazza, Dr. Tricarico, Dr. Aquiloni
Travelling exhibition “Domestic Mediterranean: Science as a link between cultures”
Member of the organizing committee
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XII meeting Italian Group of Evolutionary Biology "Questions, answers and more questions"
Member of the organizing committee
since November 2010
Included as Associated Researcher in the National System of Research (SNI), Uruguay. Area: Natural Sciences/Sub-area: Biology
since June 2011
Included as Researcher (3rd degree), Biology area, in the Program for Development of Basic Sciences (PEDECIBA) of Uruguay
member of the International Society of Zoological Sciences (member No 663-I)
- Member for
- 13 years 42 weeks