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OrganizationProjectTitleCategorysort iconStatusPriority
Institute of Marine Biology and GeneticsWP 1: Acquisition of equipmentTask 1.5. Up-grade of the innovative BBL sampling towed sledge system of IMBGgeneral taskinserted 
Institute of Marine Biology and GeneticsWP 5: Dissemination and PromotionTask 5.2: Increasing the visibility of the Institute at the national and international levels networkingin progress 
Institute of Marine Biology and GeneticsWP 5: Dissemination and PromotionTask 5.1: Strengthening the links of the Institute and dissemination of its activities to the regional society and authoritiesnetworkinginserted 
Institute of Marine Biology and GeneticsWP 5: Dissemination and PromotionTask 5.3: Linking IMBG activities with related programmes or initiativesnetworkinginserted 
Hellenic Centre for Marine ResearchWebsite creationSet up a website structuretaskinserted1-low